The next mother I met for my motherhood project was Sian, she had semi tandem fed her two sons Thomas and Edward so Thomas was weaned off the breast when Edward was due in 3 months. This one was a difficult shoot as Edward was quite an inquisitive little boy ad wasn't so interested in... Continue Reading →

The next mother I med up with for the motherhood project was another breastfeeding woman called Kristina. Her son Mason was 16 months old and her 3rd child. She again had never had any issues from strangers but had had a few family incidences which made her feel insecure. One incident was with her 14... Continue Reading →

Hi guys... so I'm currently doing a project based around quite a few criticisms that new mothers get about their parenting. Ranging from the stigma of breastfeeding in public, to bottle feeding from birth, IVF babies, tandem feeding and having a caesarean. The first stigma I've been basing my work on is the breastfeeding in... Continue Reading →

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